Sunday, August 9, 2015

Welcome Home!!!

Welcome to the Kempton Chronicles! We just bought the place, and it's been non-stop projects! We are diving right in to all the diy projects we can handle! We're not professionals- unless you can be a professional at "let's just give it a try and see how it goes"... because that is pretty much how we do it! It's been so fun so far. I'm starting this blog as a way to really chronicle the changes we are making. Sometimes I feel like we haven't done much, but then when I go back and look at the pictures I realize we have done A LOT in a very short time! We've been in the house for just over a month, and we've done more projects than I can count! We are really enjoying the work and being able to put our own spin on this place. I hope if anyone out there reads this, that you will enjoy the journey with us!

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