Monday, August 10, 2015

Adding a little character to the garage door

I have always loved houses with carriage garage doors. I think they look charming and sophisticated. As soon as we bought the house I grabbed some  little carriage door accents for the garage. I think they were $18 at Home Depot.
Here is the garage door before. Just a plain old metal door. Nothing special and definitely not charming.

Ready to go. We read the instructions and then decided where we wanted to add our accents. It is literally just a few screws and screw caps and you are finished! Such an easy and cheap project, but adds a lot of charm!

Tada!!! So we opted to put the handles up higher than the actual handle. I have no intention of ever using them for actually raising the door, so putting them higher just meant we could see them from the street more easily.

I think the entire project took us about 15 minutes.

Last shot of the door. I really love the added character and that the project was SO easy and inexpensive!
And the street view! Our sweet little house is looking so much more loved!

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